An Admirable Woman Poem by Francis Duggan

An Admirable Woman

For hours Maha waited with her little daughter for to meet the Prime Minister just a minute of his time
Just to talk about her husband Mamdouh locked up in prison for an alleged serious crime
In Cuba in a notorious penitentiary remote Guantanamo Bay
Far removed from his kin and his family more than half of a World away.

But the Prime Minister he refused to see her of her cause he did not wish to know
And for her husband held without trial any sympathy he does not show
The Prime Minister who tells us that he believe in a fair go
for every one
Yet the good wife of one held quite unlawfully he can see fit to shun

Maha waited with her little daughter for many hours to the P.M. she just wished to say
I would like you to speak on my husband's behalf to the President of the U S A
But John Howard would not insult George W Bush about one held without trial
A small thing like this to risk their so called special relationship would not be worth his while.

My outmost admiration is for the brave Maha for sticking up
for her man
Mamdouh Habib who was arrested in a bus in distant Pakistan
She wants him to be tried by Australian courts and fair play to him be shown
The man held along with David Hicks in Guantanamo Bay the Aussies Mr Howard disown.

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