Francis Duggan Poems

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Self Doubt Is A Thing

Have you ever wondered what life's all about
And your worth as a person do you often doubt?
Believe me on that you are not on your own
Self doubt is a thing that so many have known.

John Betjeman's Cornwall

The famous poet John Betjeman his bones are at rest forever more
Far from the coastal lands he glorified of the wind swept Cornish shore
On windy and sunny days he sat on the cliffs and watched the wild waves dance
All of the way from Cornwall to the Islands close to France.

The Mysteries Of Nature As Mysteries Remain

The migratory bird does have a tiny brain
But it seems beyond scientists to even try to explain
How they make it to the far south of the World from the far north and then back again
The mysteries of Nature as mysteries remain.

If I Should Go Tomorrow

If I should go tomorrow into the great unknown
Do not mark the spot where I might lie with a memorial stone
For any sort of recognition will be worthless to me then
For the dead are just a memory even to their kith and kin.

You Can Fight For Your Country

You can fight for your Country it does seem to me
By fighting for the right to life of every tree
And every bush and shrub and every hedgerow
To your Country this much is what you do owe.

The Coming Of Spring

The spring in gown of green came at midnight
And stole along the parkland in moonlight
And people of suburbia fast asleep
When Spring from tree to garden tree did creep.

Fear Of The Unknown

We fear death but the true facts of the matter it is only the fear of death that we fear
And the feared grim reaper always very busy he takes people every day of the year
He takes the old, the middle aged and the young and he takes men and women in their prime
And he claims the billionaire and the poor pauper and he can come at an unexpected time.

With The Wonders Of Nature

With the wonders of Nature nothing to compare
And the Goddess of Nature she lives everywhere
And the secrets of Nature not for humans to know
At the magic of Nature our wonder does grow.

The Fear Of The Unknown

The injured animal or bird vulnerable to predators into a thick hedgerow for to hide will crawl
The instincts in them for survival is something that is in us all
'Tis the fear of death that makes us want to live on we feel the fear of the unknown
But do not expect any mercy from others if any mercy to others you've not shown.

El Nino The Thirsty One

Some weather experts told us el nino is dead
That we would have his rainy sister la nina instead
Of him but now the word is more dry and warm weather ahead
The drought to continue despite what we've heard and read

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