Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
A Beautiful Octogenarian

In her early eighties one who is carefree
A beautiful person in her I do see
I like her for the person she appears to be
And I like her because she is so nice to me

The Dead Migrant Workers

They built every City, Village, Town and Motorway
And for them there never was an easy pay
And though all is quiet in the places they lay
Their descendants the Nation builders of today.

The Blue Tit's Nest

Some childhood memories with us seem to linger
And I recall when I was nine or so
Of seeing blue tit fly from hole in standing tree stump
One April day more than forty years ago.

Goodbye, Good Luck

Goodbye, good luck and may good fortune be with you and follow you to where-ever to you go
I did not know you well only in passing we nodded as we met and said hello
I do regret I did not get to know you better though in common we had little for to share
We all are different in our ways and thinking a fact of which I am all too aware.

Accept Me As I Am

If you cannot accept me the way I am
Then kick me out your life and tell me scram
As you can't reshape the branch of full grown tree
So take me as I stand or let me be.

The Knockers

They give her no credit they go to her past
Say that she was ex druggie and her new look won't last
She once worked in a brothel on sleaze side of town
And though she lives clean now they still put her down.

Anger And Jealousy

Anger and jealousy are siblings both self destructive in their own way
Of the damage they give rise to we hear and read of every day
In assaults and murder and every violent sort of crime
So many people because of them in prison serving time

Tiger Woods

He is many times over a multi millionaire
And arguably the World's greatest ever golf player
The golfer most young golfers would love to emulate
The legendary sports star and a golfing great

One Reason Why I Do Love Women

Of Arrogant males I have grown tired I meet one or two every day
One reason why I do love women is that they are different to men in every way
We would have less wars if women were leaders and a far better World to live in
With females in positions of power pragmatism would have a big win

We All Are Only Here

We all are only here on a life's journey
A journey that will have an end one day
A journey that for all will have an ending
Whether we travel far from home or at home stay.

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