Francis Duggan Poems

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That War Leads To Acts Of Terrorism

That war leads to acts of terrorism does seem fair to say
And more people in bombings and shootings are dying every day
That peace comes from conflict surely based on a lie
Some to kill those they see as their enemy are prepared to die

The True Battler

His name the writers of Human history will never recall
For such they would see his achievements as too small
Like everyone else in his side of the town
He never will stand on the hill of renown.

A Rainy Day In Claramore

The swallows that fly above old Claramore
Will soon be on their way to a distant shore
The days growing short and the nights growing long
And the birds of the hedgerows seem bereft of song

Old John Looking Well

Though he smokes cigarettes and drinks lots of beer and wine
Old John looking well for one of eighty nine
That healthy eating and drinking makes for a long life he does belie
Despite poor diet and his addictions of old age he will die

The Dogmatic Kind

So arrogant in their thinking the dogmatic kind
But suppose 'tis in their nature if they are that way inclined
The windows of their minds does seem closed to light
But then suppose if they feel they cannot be wrong they have to be right

The One That I Do Fear Most Of All

I do not fear the judgemental who know of and downgrade me
Those who see the flaws in others their own flaws do not wish to see
And I do not fear God as many do since I'm not religious in any way
For any sins I do commit to Karma I must pay.

I Have Not Forgotten Old Fields Far Away

In monetary terms I must have been poor
But with April Spring came to Inchaleigh, Claraghatlea and Annagloor
The nesting birds sung on bush, hedgerow and tree
And Nature's wild beauty was lovely to see.

Some So Called Literary Experts

By trying hard to separate poetry from song
Some so called literary experts have got it all wrong
Are they trying to tell us Burns was not a poet
That his songs not worthy of literary note?

How Lucky You Are

'Tis said everyone has a life story to tell
Though so many in life go through their Earthly Hell
You've got a great job a new home and new car
A beautiful wife and healthy children how lucky you are.

He Does Seem Such A Very Nice Person To Me

He does seem such a very nice person to me
Yet he is his very own worst enemy
He has social phobia his cross in life to bear
Though we all have our imperfections of that I am aware

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