Francis Duggan Poems

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So Said George Bernard Shaw

Life's not meant to be easy as George Bernard Shaw used to say
Though for many 'tis so for some 'tis not that way
To those born to very wealthy parents such words do not apply
That your circumstance of birth plays a huge part in your life none ought to deny

If You Cannot Say Something Good About Another Person

If you cannot say something good about another person say nothing at all
Those wise words are worthy quite worthy of recall
Though I amongst many such a pearl of wisdom ignore
Enlightenment to my mind does find a closed door

In My Every Walk In Nature

In my walks in Nature great beauty I've seen
Like bluebells in bloom on the ditch of bohreen
When hawthorns were in their white blooms of the May
And nesting birds sung in the woods far away.

The Dying Ex Football Champion

Around his bed his friends and family but of them he's not aware
His life's journey about to end old Joe the ex footballer player
On his back his eyes closed to his surroundings the life from him ebbing away
Last month he celebrated his eightieth birthday and today his life's final day.

Mid June In Old Sliabh Luachra

The nesting birds sing in Sliabh Luachra in the leafy groves of Lisheen
And Nature's flowers bloom in the old fields and everywhere looking so lush and green
And the sheep are high on the Pap Mountains overlooking the small fields of Shrone
And the lark in the gray sky is singing above where the bracken cloaks many a stone

In Ten Years From Now I Will Be An Old Man

In ten years from now I will be an old man
But I'll carry on rhyming for as long as I can
And though some tell me perhaps I should call it a day
I do hope to never give rhyming away

Lucky Are Those With Compassion

Lucky are those with the gift of compassion for others they genuinely do care
The people who rise above the ordinary though sad to say their type are rare
they do not seek power over others they do their good deeds every day
And for to help those who are in need of help they always go out of their way

Not Everyone As We Know Can Be The Best

Not everyone as we know can be the best
And some are found to be wanting when put to the test
But do not allow your lack of success sleep of you deny
The best you can do is give it your best try

Fond Memories Of Baxters

From Baxters Land I may be a long drive away
But in my flights of fancy I am back there today
And the magpie he pipes from his silvery bill
And the gray roos through the bracken do bound up the hill

So I'Ll Go On Penning

One might say I've written a whole heap of stuff
Some of it uneven and some of it rough
And most of it in truth is not up to par
Just your average penman many better by far

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