Francis Duggan Poems

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An Old Dog's Dreamings

In the backyard in the mid day sun on the concrete path he
Old Tim the dog is frail and old he's seen a better day
He slept there in the mid day warmth and to him came the

No Welcome For Boat Refugees

To seek a better life in Australia should never be seen as a crime
But he is languishing in a detention centre like a prisoner
serving out his time
Yet he doesn't have a criminal record and he is a good living man

It Is Nice To Be Nice

In the way we behave towards others we surely have the choice
And it should go without saying that it is nice to be nice
And if you are nice to others they will be nice to you
In life as we are often told we receive what we are due

Hang In There

When all of your life dreams seem unrealized and nothing for you is going right
Do not give up you just hang in there at the end of your dark tunnel is light
The light that to a better life will light your journey good things come to those who wait
And one day in the not too distant future some success you will celebrate,

The Human Population Increasing

The human population increasing and bigger grows the Rural Town
And for more houses to house more people more woodland trees have been cut down
And Nature's children made to suffer the local wildlife have been dispossessed
When creatures lose the wood they lived in they become homeless and distressed

Super Powers

Who will be World top Super Power in a decade from now
To Asia's waking giant will all others bow
For like every Human Being every Super Power has it's day
And number 2 takes over when number 1 fades away.

You'Ve Got A Big Ego

You've got a big ego you do come on strong
You try to convince others your ideas cannot be wrong
There are millions like you in the big World out there
So do not feel precious since your type are not rare.

Our Ordinary Heroes

Our ordinary heroes wave their National flag
And of their patriotism so proudly they brag
By their type so often dreams of peace are destroyed
So much for the fervour of Nationalistic pride.

One Can Only Try To Be A Better Person

One can only try to be a better person and hurtful things of or to others never do say
And never no never do make fun of others and if you can do one good deed every day
Remember you or I not the only people on this Planet there is more to life than me, myself and I
The greatest of people are born to be mortals we live for awhile and eventually die

Once Friends We'Ve Grown Apart

Once friends we've grown apart the past has gone
But like 'tis said of life that life goes on
They have forged new friendships that does suit me fine
Their interests are so different to mine

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