Francis Duggan Poems

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In The Cemetery Of St Mary's

Many hearts that beat with kindness forever are still
Under the earth in view of Cashman's Hill
Some of them died youg and some lived to die old
And like many their life stories in book form will never be told

You Too Will Die

The present in the seeds of the past was sown
And the future as is said remains an unknown
And tomorrow will dawn as it did today
But not for everyone in truth one can say

To Some Their Idea Of A Fair Go

To some their idea of a fair go to some only does apply
But the truth in the meaning of a fair go they only deny
Since a fair go to some is not a fair go to all
Some limit their thinking on fairness to small

No Different To Most Other Migrants

No different to most other migrants i have had my good and bad years
For the Town in view of Clara i have shed my last nostalgic tears
But like every other migrant memories with me does remain
Of a past that has gone forever and will never be again

No Different

No different to most other migrants i have had my good and bad years
For the Town in view of Clara i have shed my last nostalgic tears
But like every other migrant memories with me does remain
Of a past that has gone forever and will never be again

No Different To

No different to most other migrants i have had my good and bad years
For the Town in view of Clara i have shed my last nostalgic tears
But like every other migrant memories with me does remain
Of a past that has gone forever and will never be again

The Former President

He lived as a great man many would agree
Though some in him flaws they did claim to see
Millions on t v watched his funeral today
And at peace forever the former President lay


Gray backs, heads, tails and yellow unders in north east to south east Australia where trees do abound
They spend some of their time searching for insects on the graound
They have a quiet tweeping monotonous song
To the Australian flycatcher family they do belong

It All Ends Up In Nothing

It all ends up in nothing even for those of wealth and fame
For the one who wields the scythe of death treats all lives as the same
Though you are a billionaire like everyone for you a final day
You cannot buy time from the one on how long you live has the say

Until Our Last Living Day

We never stop learning until our last living day
This is how life is and will always be this way
And the more we do learn the more we realize
That of life we know little this not a surprise

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