Francis Duggan Poems

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At The Expense Of Others

At the expense of others he likes to have a joke
One might say he is quite an ordinary bloke
In his early twenties with time on his side
He may yet learn you do not earn respect if others you deride.

Poemhunter's Bob

If you underestimate him you've got it wrong
A natural poet he has the gift of song
He is bound for greater things or so it would seem
Poemhunter's own Bob is a wordsmith supreme

Our Immortal Earth Mother

We learn from her for as long as we live
And so much enjoyment to us she does give
Our wonder of her only does seem to grow
And the more we learn of her the less of her we know we know.

May They Rest In Peace

May they rest in peace of the dead we do say
But peace it is with them where-ever they lay
They are past all sorrows and past every care
And I feel that prayers for the dead is a waste of prayer.

Times Are Good In Green Old Ireland

The Ireland I grew up in is a different Land today
And change is for the better there or so 'twould seem that way
Back then many young Irish people left Ireland now to Ireland many do migrate
And Ireland's new found prosperity is something to celebrate

It Does Take All Kinds

One might say I've written a whole heap of stuff
Some of it uneven and some of it rough
The stuff that I pen not the type one can sell
Though what is or is not poetry I'm not one who could tell

On Whittier

His works of great beauty remain as worthy of note
The great John Greenleaf Whittier a legendary poet
In his lines his beautiful Maud Muller is living today
As she works in the meadow midst the sweet scent of hay.

My Goddess Of Nature How Are You Today

I hear your birds sing in the park by the bay
My Goddess of Nature how are you today
The songs of your magpies so pleasant to hear
They sing every day every month of the year

Only Skin Deep

Since beauty is too deep for the eyes to find
It is hidden away in the caves of the mind
The beauty we see is skin deep that and nothing more
And that beauty is only skin deep we've heard that one before

For To Live Long As I Can

To billions of people life after death is not based on a lie
Whilst a minority will tell you we are born to die
And like all other life forms we will not live again
But hope for a life that will not end in physical pain.

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