Francis Duggan Poems

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Gift Of Memory

For as long as your gift of memory you retain
The past as you knew it with you will remain
Though some of your memories give rise to regret
And sometimes we remember things we wished we could forget

Of Singing Honeyeaters

Once you does hear and see them you never again can get them wrong
Mottled grey brown birds they have a lovely song
Whatever reason to saltwater they like for to live near
One sees them and hear them singing at most times of the year

A Non Existent Phrase

I have been described as one of illiterate rhyme
A non existent phrase but for everything there is a first time
By a would beliterary critic who does not write well
Since she or he need lessons on how to spell

Of More Happy People

The praises of laughter we should sing
To so many joy it does bring
To it such a beautiful happy ring
A smile does not cost one a thing

A Man Named Dan

On his way home from work in the evening he call into his local pub Dan
Just for a few drinks the down to earth working man
And then home to his dinner to his two young daughters and Ann his wife
One loyal to his marital duties and happy in his life

When Last I Was In Claraghatlea

When last i was in Claraghatlea coldwintry winds did blow
And ancient Clara Mountain did wear a hat of snow
Cattle in the farmyard sheds were bellowing for silage or hay
Feeling a bit more hungry than usual on a cold December day

A February Day In The Coastal Lands

Wherever i turn to look Nature's beauty i do see
Today it is everywhere all around me
Though when compared to sprinkler watered green parks of the nearby town
The dry coastal paddocks are looking rather brown

Port Fairy's Claim To Renown

A huge annual musical festival and voted as the World's most Livable Small Town
Are two of Port Fairy's great claims to renown
But only livable for the cashed up millionaire
Poor people in Port Fairy for to say the least rare


You does not need to be a wealthy and famous celebrity a renowned entertainer or athlete
Who with the best in the World for success does compete
You can be a good person on your side of the town
By helping the spiritually or financially down

A January Evening In Port Fairy

A high for the day of a warm thirty eight degrees
But in the late evening a cool freshening breeze
Just before sunset has brought the temperature down
On this beautiful January evening in Port Fairy Town

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