Francis Duggan Poems

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Only A Minority

Only a minority have god on their side
In a World where the gap between the wealthy and the poor it keeps on growing ever wide
Even in so called wealthy Nations many live in dire poverty
Circumstance of birth seems the main cause of human inequality

The Sum Total

The sum total of your life's experience is all you can be
The words of a wise person it does seem to me
But many with this does not agree
Most do look at things in ways quite differently

Racism Through Generalization

Some people who have a bad experience with a member of a particular race tend to generalize
But sadly for them they do not seem to realize
That for the sins of one a whole race should not be to blame
That everyone is only responsible for their own sins of shame

A Koroit Identity

Perhaps he will end his days in Koroit Town
Where he does enjoy his local renown
Though he has many friends of enemies he has a few
In life you win some and lose some is not saying anything new

The Seasons Pass Quickly

The Seasons pass quickly and time ticks on fast
And eventually death does come to all at last
Yes for all of us there is this last night and day
When the Reaper of lives will come reaping our way

Narcissism As Opposed To Self Love

Kind and compassionate people in the World are not rare
The love they have in them with others they does share
The wise mother once did say to her young son
If you cannot love yourself you cannot love anyone

In Mortlake Today

In Mortlake today close to forty degrees
And the warm air full of the buzzing of bush flies and bees
Blowing across the dry countryside looking bare and brown
Above the sunlit streets of the old Moyne Shire Town

Of Many A Boggeragh Hill

I have written of many a Boggeragh Hill
And of many a babbling river and rill
Of this southern Country in distance far away
Where i would be a stranger to many today

The Journey Of The Sanderlings

From their northern breeding grounds in the early Fall they take to wing
And fly towards their wintering beaches in the southern Spring
The mystery of their long journeys quite an amazing thing
These tiniest of migratory waders the brown and gray sanderling

Nicer To Each Other

To each other why cannot be compassionate and kind
Instead of flaws in one another seeking to find
There is more to living than for the me, myself and i
Sadly there are those who believe that kindness and compassion are based on a lie

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