Francis Duggan Poems

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To Janice On Her Birthday

I love you more than words can ever say
And from you I've no wish to go away
Unless of course that is you want me to
But you can't ever stop me loving you.

She Was Not Pleased With My Words

For lampooning Prince Charles in verse she said I would burn in hell
But of the existence of a life hereafter how can she or anyone tell
Since none have come back to tell us if the afterlife World exist
The advice of the converted I have chosen to resist.

Not All Politicians

Not all politicians do lie through their teeth
And not all politicians are full of deceit
And not all politicians will lie to save face
Though as a whole they seem a different race

John Murphy Of Rathduane House

A powerhouse of a fellow well over six foot tall
Beside him even big men they look scrawny and small
John Murphy of Rathduane House Paddy and Mrs Murphy's son
At fields sports and weightlifting so many medals he's won.


The past is gone forever we cannot bring back the past
And the changes keep on happening and nothing ever last
And the hands of time keep on turning and time's clock keeps ticking on
And the once young getting older and their better days long gone.

In Nature's Eyes

My accent seems too heavy for most to understand
And I'm still seen as a foreigner in this great Southern Land
But in this the Bunurong Homeland there's great beauty to see
And this vast Southern Country is home from home for me.

I Cling To The Past

I'm tied to the past and I do dread the future and I cannot look back on a glorious prime
And with my acquaintances I never discuss literary matters or tell them I am one who dabbles in rhyme
My acquaintances are not literary minded people but in that they are not very different to me
'Tis true what they say that we dislike in others the things in ourselves we prefer not to see.

Show Me

Show me something worth protesting for and protest with you I will
But don't ask me to fight with a gun for others I could not kill
I may not agree with what they stand for though their lives not for me to take
I would go to jail for Human Rights if just for Justice sake.

James Clarence Mangan Was His Name

The National bard of Ireland he penned Dark Rosaleen
A poem that is destined to live as long as Ireland's fields are green
But he is almost forgotten which seems an awful shame
The great poet of his Country James Clarence Mangan was his name.

A New Love Will Come To Her

Her ex boyfriend gone to live in the warmer clime she feels lovelorn and sad
But such is life I do suppose the good times go with the bad
He was the great love of her life and to him she was true
But he is young and restless and adventure he pursue.

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