Francis Duggan Poems

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Perseverance Does Pay

I have my own problems caused by financial stress
And I cannot help you with your life in a mess
Your addiction to alcohol is out of control
And on you as a person it is taking toll.

The Old Rhyming Poet

In his early eighties his best days long gone
But the gray haired old poet he keeps penning on
Though many see him as of another time
Sixty years as a poet and still writing in rhyme.

Why Should I Complain

Why should I complain I have had my good years
And for my long lost youth I don't have any tears
In my travels the good and not so good I've met
And life's lost opportunities why now regret

The Political Game

The political game is a game of deceit
And honest politicians are as rare as hens teeth
And hens teeth are rarer than rare as we know
In fact it is known that a hen teeth does not grow

Death May Create Martyrs

Death may create Martyrs but facts never lie
You cannot help your Country if for it you die
You may not like or agree with what I have to say
That a living coward is worth more than a dead hero I see it that way

Young People May Look On Me

Young people may look on me as an old man
But I want to live for as long as I can
Others have their opinions and that suits me fine
And what they think of me is their business not mine

The Young People Upstairs

The young people upstairs love boozing sometimes they party
all night
And they play their loud music until the dawn's light
Brighten the dark streets of the sleepy old town

No Prize

No prize for the fellow who bashes his wife
Or for the one who does threaten another one's life
They may have a good public image but in their ways they are small
Such people in truth not good people at all.

He May Never Return

He may never return to his old Homeplace again
And hear the birds sing in the wind and the rain
When the cool winds of Spring through the high country blow
And the hawthorns are dressed in their blooms white as snow.

The Burke Brothers Brendan And Tommy

The Burke brothers Brendan and Tommy as Gaelic Footballers were amongst Millstreet's best
And they were not found to be wanting when they were put to the test
Two of the sporting heroes of famous Millstreet Town
It can be said about them that they never did leave their Club down.

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