Francis Duggan Poems

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In South Australia

In South Australia it is warm for most of the year
Though even to the sub tropics not anywhere near
A temperate climate it has we are told
Though there it never does get near to cold

The Men Who Built The Stone Walls

The men who built the stone walls at peace forever lay
They came to the South Country from places far away
Their walls of stone a testament to their stone buildings skills across the stony countryside
Men who worked hard for little pay who in their work took pride

If I Could Live Forever

If i could live forever i would write rhymes every day
Of people and of Nature and places near and far away
I would leave it to the poets to write their poetry i would keep writing in rhyme
But i know i will not live forever i am already running out of time

On The Outback Highway

On the outback highway miles from anywhere
The nearest big town three hours driving to get to there
On either side of the highway big paddocks flat, brown and bare
In the seemingly deserted outback even gum trees are rare


Words are designed as some does say for of things to make sense
We will take for example one easy to spell word known as coincidence
If your female cat and your neighbor's female cat give birth to kittens on the same day
Coincidence the proper word for this as the language experts say

If You Cannot Help One

If you cannot help one do not put him or her down
They too like you have to live in the town
Those who seek advantage from others financial pain
Must answer to Karma for their ill gotten gain

Memories Of April

I see them in flights of fancy the dappled wild born trout
In pool bed of the river go darting in and out
Of the safety of the water reeds the moment they do spy
Dark shadows on the water of humans passing by

I Will Love You Truly

I will love you truly till the day i will die
Since you are my soul mate how lucky am i
To have met one like you so beautiful, compassionate and kind
Since people like you are in life as a friend hard to find

Nature Contols Us

All of the grass in the paddocks by rabbits eaten bare
There is scarcely enough here for to sustain a hare
The countryside looking so bare, brown and dry
And not one rain cloud in the blue and sunny sky

What We See In Others

You can make the World to live in a beautiful place
And you can see beauty in what to most is an ugly face
What we see in others is what we wish to see
At least anyhow that's how it seems to me

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