Francis Duggan Poems

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The Melbourne Mynas

In fancy their distinctive songs I do hear
When above the Melbourne suburbs the dawn is breaking clear
The birds known as common mynas in fawn and dark brown
Birds often seen and heard in the bigger urban town

A Rare Beauty

Her wild birds are chirping on bush and on tree
The beauty in Nature so lovely to hear and to see
It is a rare beauty that will never die
But is mortality for Humankind based on a lie

Thinking Of Olinda

Olinda the hill of the mountain ash trees
That can be heard soughing in the freshening breeze
That blow up the rise across the higher ground
In a place of great beauty where peace does abound

An Old Style Brick Home

An artist or writer would love this sort of a place
Where Nature has the smile of peace on her face
Away from the traffic and noise of the street
On the verge of the wood where peace and beauty meet

The Past Has Gone Forever

The past has gone forever and time ticks away
We can only live in the now and the now is today
The past good or bad for us a memory
And that we must live in the now is our reality

By Saying The Wrong Thing

She too has her pride though she is getting old
You tell her that she is lovely to behold
Though she may have her hair dyed for to cover her gray
Most women like to be noticed for that is their way

Without Women

Though to their own faults they can often be blind
Where would us males be without woman kind
They have nursed and raised males since human life began
It does take a woman to give birth to a man.

We Make Them Feel Special

The President and Monarch to me seem the same
As 'twould seem they only do live for their own fame
With them more than most it is me, myself and I
And their egos will be with them till the day that they die

Late December In Millstreet

Through fields that the overnight frost have left gray
The old Finnow river flows bank high today
Under the river bridge it babbles on down
Through the quiet countryside west of Millstreet Town

As Aussie As Can Be

What do they have in common the wombat and kangaroo
The emu and kookaburra the rosella and cockatoo
The lyrebird and echidna the platypus and currawong
The answer to that easy you should not get it wrong.

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