Francis Duggan Poems

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A Rare Beauty

Her wild birds are chirping on bush and on tree
The beauty in Nature so lovely to hear and to see
It is a rare beauty that will never die
But is mortality for Humankind based on a lie

Thinking Of Olinda

Olinda the hill of the mountain ash trees
That can be heard soughing in the freshening breeze
That blow up the rise across the higher ground
In a place of great beauty where peace does abound

An Old Style Brick Home

An artist or writer would love this sort of a place
Where Nature has the smile of peace on her face
Away from the traffic and noise of the street
On the verge of the wood where peace and beauty meet

A Very Wise Woman

How can you feel happy for others if your mind is bereft of joy
That's what the wise woman said to me when I was a nine year old boy
A gray haired sagess in her seventies one even quite wise for her years
But I was too young and too foolish to respect the wisdom of old dears

Such A Very Old Country

Far inland from the nearest city where the bare paddocks are flat and wide
The sheep from the mid day sun in the gum shade are sheltering out there in the brown country-side
With few trees they must crowd together for shelter from the hot sun of a Summer's day
A lonely place for one to live in with the nearest town so far away

Once A Place Of Natural Beauty

Once a place of natural beauty for all to be enjoyed
Due to the financial greed of developers the park has been destroyed
Most of the trees shelter for the ringtail and brush tail possums have been cut away
It is an ugly sight that I do gaze upon today.

My Awe And Wonder Of Her

My awe and wonder of her only does seem to grow
Yet so little about Nature that I can claim to know
Some birds I readily recognize by their chirp or their song
Just simple facts of Nature that one should not get wrong

An Aussie Christmas Day

In the park after eating barbequed fry the family a game of cricket play
In the warmth of the sunshine of an Aussie Christmas Day
A perfect day for Christmas around 24 degrees
On an afternoon made pleasant by a cool and freshening breeze

The Price Of Progress

In the town where there are as many cars as people
On the main street the cars and trucks pass up and down all day
The factory chimneys keep billowing up dark gray smoke
And pollute the sky with smog a dusky gray.

Early Home

Each person has a place of birth referred to as Early Home
If not in the big Cities of the World Cities such as London, Beiijing, Rio, Delhi or Rome
And if not from a bigger city then from some village or some town
Where so many begin their journey to disappointment or renown.

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