Francis Duggan Poems

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Terrorism Is Fundamentalism Out Of Control

Terrorism is fundamentalism out of control
And a terrorist is one who does not have a soul
To terrorists human life is very cheap
But as is said of us humans what we sow we will reap

She Lives In My Memory The Rose Of Knocknagree

The memories of what was today are with me
She lives in my memory the Rose of Knocknagree
With hair to her shoulders wavy and brown
Dancing in the Star Ballroom in Millstreet Town

He Feels Disappointed To Have Not Made The Grade

Any hope of success from him does seem to fade
He feels disappointed to have not made the grade
So much money and time in his project he did invest
And no consolation to him that to succeed he gave of his best

On A Nice Day To Lay In The Shade Of The Trees

Out of the sun and the freshening breeze
A nice day to lay in the shade of the trees
Listening to the wild-born birds chirp and sing
To be alone with Nature is such a beautiful thing

Some Things As They Were

It is said we were learning from life before we learned how to crawl
Though what applies to some does not apply to all
And though we learn as we live as the wise one does say
Not everyone does learn from life every day

To Me It Is Never A Huge Waste Of Time

To me it is never a huge waste of time
In doing what i love doing and that's writing rhyme
Without the reward of monetary pay
I add to my numbers of rhymes every day

Her Words Of Wisdom

We dislike in others what in ourselves we do see
A wise woman years ago did say to me
And though she may be at rest where the deceased do lay
Her words of wisdom are with me today

The God I Believe In

To the rights of the young and helpless i do lend my voice
In that i was baptized as a Roman Catholic i did not have a choice
To a god of any religion i no longer pray
Suppose it is each to their own or it should be this way

In Your Actions Or Opinions

As long as in your actions or opinions you do not harm anyone
Your mum and dad in you have raised a good daughter or son
And though the impressionable masses out there your praises may never sing
As is said of success it can be a relative thing

The Instigators Of Change

Since the government and bureaucracies they never question or on cast a doubt
Those who follow the leader change never bring about
By the majority they are looked on as radical and strange
But they are never followers those who strive for change

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