Francis Duggan Poems

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Them For Their Individuality

Each to their own as the wise one does say
We all look a life in a different way
The heroines and heroes to many may not be so to me
If we all agreed on all things how boring we would be

Only One Can Be

Only one can be the best in the town
And not everyone born for to know of renown
For one for to win big many have to lose
Though losing is a thing anyone does not choose

There Are Some Good Traits

There are some good traits in many people considered to be bad
An excuse for their behaviour due to some of the bad life's experiences they have had
They are not beyond redemption despite what many may think or say
Not everyone is all bad though some in life lose their way

August Day In Warrnambool

The day it is drizzly and windy and cool
And the low clouds are grey over old Warrnambool
The chill of late Winter in the freshening coastal breeze
On a weather temperature high for the day of fourteen degrees

Obviously Clear

We all eventually have to die this is obviously clear
But it is only the fear of death that we do fear
The fact of the matter and fact never lie
Is the longer you live the sooner you will die

A Memory Of Long Gone Years

The song of the robins I fancy I hear
In Claramore wood in the Spring of the year
A memory from long gone years I do retain
Despite the passing of time in me it does remain

Love To Have As A Gift

That we need more love in the World only true for to say
For people with love in them perform good deeds every day
Without love in you love with others you cannot share
This is something that everyone of should be aware

Cannot Say I Envy George Pell

Sexual crimes against children one could never condone
But leave it to the one without sin to cast the verbal stone
For his crimes against children Cardinal George Pell has been made to pay
He is in a Melbourne prison and there for awhile will stay

I Am Not One To Ask

I am not one to ask who is or is not a poet
Since i am not one of any literary note
And i am one without a literary degree
So for an answer to your question ask one other than me

Galahs Known To Some

Sometimes they congregate in large flocks as their kind are known to do
Galahs known to some as pink and gray cockatoo
Birds i see often though not every day
Quite beautiful to look at in feathers of pink and gray

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