Francis Duggan Poems

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Mount Fuji

It towers above the woodlands of the dark raven crow
Mount Fuji the giant in it's great hat of snow
One of the World's great mountains the pride of Japan
Thousands of centuries older than the first human

Of Living In An Earthly Utopia

Of living in an Earthly Utopia i often daydream
A bungalow by a wood by a clear flowing stream
In the sunlit pools sunning and slowly swimming about
In their natural environment the wild-born trout

Two Duhallow Greats

In Duhallow where i was born and raised many famous rally drivers, athletes and many great players of Gaelic football
Their achievements in sports Duhallow sports writers like to recall
And though out of sporting achievements legends are known to grow
For true greatness we look elsewhere this much i have come to know

The Rhymer

The rhymer has no desire to become a poet
Or never craves for the recognition of literary note
The rhymer is one who just loves to write rhyme
One might say a throwback to a long gone time

Why Even Pretend

That on the twenty first of December 2012 life in the World will end why even pretend
Though for some people everyday their World does end
Everyday on Planet Earth people do die
That their World does end for them is not a lie

Most People Live At

Most people live at or below the poverty line
And can only afford to drink the cheapest brands of wine
And cannot afford to pay rent so are condemned to sleep rough
They know about life and that life can be tough

So Live In The Now Make The Most Of Your Day

The longest lived human life in time is not a long span
Supposedly on average the woman by a few years does outlive the man
And since the aging one can never regain youthful elan
Do enjoy life for as long as you can

We Reap What We Sow It Does Seem This Way

We reap what we sow it does seem this way
For what goes around comes around as some like to say
You cast stones at others at you they cast the stones back
The best form of defense is to go on the attack

It Is All About Greed

It is all about greed and lust for wealth and fame
The siblings of narcissism for want of a better name
That is creating the huge gap in equality in the social divide
In a Human World where hidden poverty has nowhere left for to hide.

To The End Of My Life's Journey

To the end of my life's journey not that far to go
Time is ticking on and becoming my foe
More than three decades have passed since i was in my life's prime
And that is going back many Seasons in time

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