Francis Duggan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
He Sang A Song Of Christy Ring

The old bloke in the bar room sung a song of Christy Ring
And in his strong accent how sweetly he did sing
And he talked of Munster Finals in good old Thurles Town
Where for County pride and glory men hurled for renown.

One Child's Hero

In her eyes he's a marvellous super man
And her daddy is the greatest to seven years old Ann
And she tells all who listen there is nothing Dad can't do
But others they think differently each to their point of view.

An Anti War Song

All around the World war is raging and the mother grieves for her dead son
And what did the poor fellow die for as nothing is solved by the gun?
No bombs and guns don't solve a problem they only make the problem worse
The lust for land and power and money on us human kind is a curse.

I Envy Our Human Ancestors

I envy our human ancestors though we've come a long way from the cave
They did not hunt with heavy powered rifles and to survive they had to be brave
I hope that today they are happy in that kingdom beyond the sky
They lived in a different World so different to you and I.

I Did Not Tell My Bar Room Mates

I did not tell my bar room mates that I saw on the trees
Small fairy people dancing in the sunshine and the breeze
If I told them they would shake their heads and to each other say
The poor bloke cannot handle his grog he has drunk too much today.

Amrozi The Smiling Assassin

Amrozi the smiling assassin he is to face the firing squad
condemned to death by his Earth judges and now we will leave him to God
He helped to kill too many people and about it he smiled and laughed loud
His crimes beyond human forgiving yet he does seem so happy and proud.


It saddens me to think that windbags into the twenty first century us lead
That the people who sing their own praises are the people most likely to succeed
In life and this so called success game whatever the hell that might mean
Since I'm one who doesn't look up to any and my better days I have seen.

Does It Have To Be Us And They

I wonder why they wish to kill us those people from Lands far away
Are we really not such good people and are we really bad as they say?
They blame us for their poor existence, do we cause their social decay?
Though the gulf between us keeps on widening does it have to

Don'T Give Him The Death That He Craves For

In all of his photos he seems very happy he wears a big smile on his face
And he longs for his execution to go off to that better place
As his reward for murdering people in that paradise beyond the sky
He believed what his mentors had told him and because of them he will die.

Young Annie

She is twenty and very attractive with shoulder length curly brown hair
And she is so happy go lucky and of her beauty she seems unaware
The young blokes to her are attracted but she doesn't have a man in her life
And not in her plans for the future the lot of the mother and wife.

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