Francis Duggan Poems

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Oodgeroo Noonuccal

Oodgeroo Noonuccal known to many as Kath Walker was a very famed Aboriginal Australian poet
She was a leading spokesperson for her people and a fine writer and a literary figure of note
Proud to be a descendant of the first Australians she was a credit to her Tribe and Race
Amongst the indigenous Peoples of Australia she is one of those who commands a high place.

The Song Thrush

Introduced to Melbourne where they do seem rare
The thrush that was made famous by John Clare
In his famed poem known as The Thrush's Nest
About the brown bird with the brown spots on his grey breast.

You Well May Be Special

You well may be special and looked on as great
And you may be the one many do celebrate
But even those who are World renowned and at what they do World number one
If they do not retire when at the top by someone they will be outdone

The First Of The Calendar Summer

The first of the calendar Summer and the first of December and the rain drizzling down
On the streets and the parks and the sidewalks of old Koroit Town
The weather wet and cloudy for the time of year
But weatherwise that Nature is never predictable is obviously quite clear

Black Faced Cuckoo Shrike

The bird known as the black faced cuckoo shrike
Is one who does not have a look alike
Dark around the face and body feathers bluish gray
They are birds i do not see every day

It Is Always The Poor

That human life is taken so cheaply the thought rather chilling
Trillions in money spend on weapons for killing
That money and power does corrupt there can be no denying
In a World where millions of people of Malnutrition are dying

Non Judgmental Kind

The non judgmental kind are not in the few
And this is not saying anything that is new
To their honor code they remain ever true
And credit to them for this is surely their due

Your God Within

In India they worship their sacred cow
And in many parts of the World to statues they bow
And billions do pray to their God in the sky
But why many deny their God within one must wonder why?

It Is A Bell That I Will Not Be Hearing

It is a bell that i will not be hearing when it does ring for me the farewell bell
But to those who hear it in it there will be a warning that for them there will be a last farewell
The clock ticks on the years go by so quickly and the funeral bell is ringing every day
But not always for those time has made weary the people by the years left frail and gray

Motherly Advice

I recall as a boy my mum said to me son
I will not feel proud of you if you ever harm anyone
Just live as your dad does as an honest hard working man
And anyone in need of helping do help if you can

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