Francis Duggan Poems

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In Fancy I Can

In fancy i can hear the silver back crow
On the trees near the bog where the bog cotton grow
It's harsh caws come to me from the long ago
That old memories do linger happens to be so

Jack Reddy

Jack Reddy does not judge all women on June his ex wife
Though his twenty years of marriage to her not the happiest time of his life
He says in women like men the good and not so good you will find
Not everyone is born to be caring and kind

We Read Of And Hear Of

We read of and hear of wars and famines in Lands far away
And the human population in numbers increasing by the day
Billions of people for our Earth Mother to feed
With millions in drought stricken areas of food aid in need

I Like Birds

I like birds one ought not for to get them wrong
The familiar sort anyway even by song
The flute like notes of the Aussie magpies one should not mistake
To their songs every morning of the year i do wake

How Boring

How boring we would be if on all things in life we did agree
If you on your ways were no different to me
But this cannot be since no two are the same
Though of people with similar interests many i could name

I Am Not Really Up With The Big Stories

I am not really up with the big stories at all
Did not know that Rupert Murdoch had married Jerry Hall
And that her ex husband Mick Jagger about this is hopping mad
But as for Mick and his tantrums this all seems too bad

Love Causes Problems

In life we get what we wish for this is not a lie
The man who wished for death he got his wish to die
In his mid twenties death came to him all too soon
He decided to shoot himself in the mid afternoon

For Me In It

For me in it not any money or fame
This penning of rhyme is a hungry belly game
One the literary critics do not consider worthy of literary note
And who does not warrant the title of poet

It Is Out Of Myths And Legends

I have heard many stories of Tubrid's Holy Well
Of miracles that occurred there of so many i have heard tell
Of people who left their crutches and walking frames by the grotto and from there unaided walked away
Believe what you want to believe as the wise one does say

To Be Lacking In Money

To be lacking in money will never be the in thing
The praises of the poor the masses never do sing
A billionaire is one you never will meet
On the grimy sidewalks of Poverty Street

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