Francis Duggan Poems

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Yesteryear's Forgotten Hero

Four years ago celebrated in poetry and song
The one who was seen as one who could not do wrong
But nowadays his praises the masses don't sing
Amazing the changes that a few years can bring.

Even In The Worst Of People

Even in the worst of people some good you will find
'Tis just that some darkness has entered their mind
And to empathy and compassion they somehow seem blind
And they seem to forget how it feels to be kind

In Confidence He Was Not Lacking

He stood there at the busy street corner with his mobile phone held to his ear
He shouted loud above the traffic his business was not hard to hear
When finished he put the phone back in his pocket and confidently strode down the street
In confidence he was not lacking so much indeed for self conceit

A Schoolboy Of The Fifties

He was a schoolboy of the fifties the gray haired ageing one of today
His better years are long behind him how quickly the time ticked away
He can only talk of his young years he wishes he could turn back time
To his golden years in his twenties when he was at the height of his prime

It Is Wrong It Would Seem

It is wrong it would seem to speak ill of the dead
And negative stuff of him written and said
And 'tis only by bad example that he led
But by hanging him they made him a hero to some people instead

The First Day Of Winter And The Rain Is Bucketing Down

The first day of Winter and the rain is bucketing down
On the galvanize roofs of the old Border Town
And the heavy wind howls in the Town parkland trees
And a temperature high of just 13 degrees

Of Life And Of Nature

I knew just as much about them fifty years ago
Of Life and of Nature as now I do know
Though from our dealings with people we learn every day
We learn as we live as some are known to say

Great White Egrets

For beauty few birds with them one can compare
In their range not plentiful though also not rare
Great White Egrets for them is an often used name
The great white egrets of Australia and of other Lands of species the same

Of Nature's Many Secrets

Though I do know that the currawong is not a species of crow
So little about Nature I feel that I do know
From human kind her secrets she keeps hidden away
But something new from Nature one learns every day

They Do Feel Superior To Others

They do feel superior to others with God on their side
And they carry their National colours with pride
Those they vote for are those good at spreading of fear
Suppose what suits us best is what we like to hear.

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