Francis Duggan Poems

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This Need For Recognition

This need for recognition it is in everyone
Just to be commended for a job well done
For to be ignored can be a hurtful thing
As it can live in the mind as a painful mental sting

If You Can'T Love Yourself

Though many with what I say may not agree
I cannot love others if I cannot love me
If you can't love yourself you can't love anyone
That applies to all and that is barring none

She Is One Of Those People

She said to me you have written a lot of rhymes though you do not write well
You are just one of many who writes doggerel
Not one to mull over what she has to say
And meeting her did not bring joy to my day

Edgar Allan Poe

An American literary icon but what caused his death none seem to know
He was more than a man of words the great Edgar Allan Poe
He died when in his forties his best writing years of him ahead
His fame has attained greatness and he is widely read.

If I Did Tell You Different

I cannot write poetry so i write rhyme rhyme instead
And i know that i will be one of the forgotten dead
But why should i worry since death of life's cares will one day set me free
The same for the wealthy and famous as it is for me

Your Dog

Friendships we make in life often prematurely end
But 'til the day that she dies your dog will be your friend
Your dog will love you and from you never part
Your bond with your dog an affair of the heart

Your Pride In A Flag

Just a small part of this World of your Nation you brag
And you wave your patriotism in your National flag
If your team win the International game today
Your boss won't give you extra in your next week's pay.

Old Stan

He's over forty years beyond his prime day
With silvery hair and gray hairs on his chest
And whilst most his age are sitting and relaxing
And giving their old weary bones a rest

As Bob Dylan Said

The times are a changing as Bob dylan said
And expect more changes in the days ahead
Though at the tip of the iceberg as change goes one might say
Major changes in our environment from us not far away

Show Me Something Worth Fighting For

We all ought to know what is wrong from what's right
But show me what's worth fighting for and for it I will fight
But if we have to kill or be killed in doing so that's another thing
Though the praises of war heroes the majority do like to sing

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