Francis Duggan Poems

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The Farm Girl

With shoulder length brown hair she is close to her prime
And beauty such as she has does inspire bards to rhyme
A twenty one year old not lacking in charm
She lives and works with her mum and dad on the farm.

When The Salmon Swim Upstream

No bird sings in the frosty dawn
When the salmon swim upstream to spawn
And the frosted fields are looking gray
Though expect that for November some say.

Young David The Under Fourteen

With the local football club he plays under fourteen
In their football colours the black, brown and green
He dreams in the A F L he will star one day
Against Australia's finest he will be picked to play.

Of What Others Think Of Me

I do not care what those who know of me about me have to say
Or if they see me as a stranger to success
Since I do not harm anybody and do things my own way
And all I ask of life is happiness.

Modern Poets And Modern Poetry

Modern poets and modern poetry seem far too complex to understand
For such as I a common labourer from the boglands of Ireland
Though whether it be good or not so it is not for me to say
As I'm not a poetry critic and so I'll keep my tongue at bay.

Those Cruel To Animals

Those cruel to animals can be cruel to people they find their pleasure on inflicting pain
For cruelty to the cruel is a power thing gratification from seeing their victims suffer they gain
Cruel people they have lost their human compassion the window to their soul shaded to light
They even are bordering on the psychotic in distinguishing on what is wrong from right,

Jack Gleeson's Kelpie

Though little information on him in which to read
Jack Gleeson a young stockman founded the kelpie working breed
Of dog in Casterton in Victoria in eighteen seventy one
They rival the border collies as farm dogs next to none.

The Reason For Divorce

The reason for divorce you've guessed right marriage without marriage there would not be divorce
With birds and animals things are so much different they make love and leave Nature take it's course
They do not have acrimonious breakups when their relationships end they merely go their way
Though some species are known to be faithful and until one die together they do stay.

On Hearing A Song For Christy Ring

Amazing how a song can stir up memories
And only lately heard a ballad singer sing
A famous song written by Brian McMahon
For Ireland's greatest hurler Christy Ring.

Brian Boru

A legend beyond his lifetime and his fame known far and wide
He led his men in battle and in battle he died
All contemporary war kings, prime ministers and presidents a
lesson here for you

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