Francis Duggan Poems

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To Be The Best You Can Be

You may have many worries and feel racked by inner strife
But to be the best you can be is all you can be in life
What i say here by many others in other ways been said before
To be the best you can be just that and nothing more.

She Is A Marvellous Person

She is a marvellous person of that there's little doubt
And she is kind and honest and she is so devout
She goes to her church on sunday and every night she pray
And she thanks her god in heaven for another happy day

You Do Your Own Thing

Whilst others do follow the leader you always do go your own way
And you are just an individual that's what others of you do say
You are not a tribal sort of person nor to any beliefs you don't cling
And whilst others are in their own small groups you always are doing your own thing,

Almighty Mother Nature

The Homo Sapiens who lived in caves on mountains
Of the success of their descendants could not have visualized
And even today the most intelligent species
At their achievements even seemed surprised.

A War Widow

Adown the streets of the town the winds of Winter blow
And the weather it is chilly and cold enough to snow
And old Joan is out walking a black rain coat she wear
But she does not have a hat on the wind tosses her gray hair.

These Horrible People

These horrible people who play their power games
Who on those different to them put their own brand names
They are an insult to the word conservative the word they go by
For to improve themselves as people they do not even try.

Two Weeks Into September

Two weeks into September the leaves begin to brown
In the groves and in the Town Park of in and near Millstreet Town
And soon the redwing thrushes in the old fields will be seen
When the gray frost of the cold morning does temporarily cloak the green,

If You Have Money Problems

If you have money problems your problems are not small
And that money speaks all languages that goes for one and all
But that money cannot buy happiness that seems so very true
And to the battlers who keep keeping on great credit must be due,

I Hear The Blackbird Singing

I hear the blackbird singing in the warm sun of the day
His voice to me familiar it takes me far away
To distant woods and hedgerows scenting of the blooms of May
The memories of what used to be with us our lifetime stay.

Just Live For The Present

Forget about tomorrow just live for today
Why wish yourself older the clock ticks away
Tomorrow will come and yesterday is gone
Just live for the moment and keep keeping on.

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