Francis Duggan Poems

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The Quiet Achiever

If you don't judge and can accept other people
Irrespective of their creed or of their race
And help out others without expecting reward
Then you can make this world a better place.

Life Is A Great Teacher

You know your true friend when you are in most need
For like 'tis said such a friend is a friend indeed
One who stands by you when you are feeling down
A cash strapped and depressed poor soul of the town


Have you ever felt confused in your thinking
And thought your views on life may be all wrong
That the group of friends which you had known for some years
Is not the group to which you should belong.

Tom Falvey

A good father to his sons Tod and Conor and a good husband to his wife Maureen
'Tis sad to think that in the Town of Millstreet that in the flesh he'll never more be seen
Tom Falvey always was the quiet achiever never did promote himself in any way
Well liked and down to earth and rather gentle and only good of others he did say

Happy People

Happy people sow their seeds of happiness or so 'twould seem that way
The smiling face that greets you helps to brighten up your day
Their tiny seed of happiness to great happiness does grow
They are the type of people that all others wish to know

In His Lifetime Patrick Kavanagh

In his Lifetime Patrick Kavanagh was a literary man of note
And in the mid twentieth century some critics claimed him to be Ireland's finest poet
In the forties to the sixties he was lauded as a poetic great
But nowadays he is not the poet the masses celebrate.

Australia The Land Of The Dreamtime

Australia the Land of the Dreamtime the home of the wombat and roo
The home of Koala and emu and the black and the white cockatoo
Where kookaburra welcomes the dawning and magpie often heard in the night
And the mopoke call of the brown boobook can be heard in the calm moonlight.

Some Lack

Some lack in compassion as well as in empathy
And for the suffering of those they see as different can't feel sympathy
And sad to say nowadays their type are not rare
The small minded sort of the big World out there.

Michael Davitt

For ever lasting glory hardship price he paid
The founder of the Land League the patriot from Straide
He stood against the Landlords for Ireland's rural poor
And spent long years behind bars in the prison of Dartmoor.

The Potato Picker

For the potato picker life is tough
He knows what it's like to live rough
The work is hard, the pay is small
One could hardly call it life at all.

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