Francis Duggan Poems

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Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy your life try to make the most of every day
For time on us never stops ticking away
It will not wait for you it did not wait for me
I wish I were your age again twenty three

Home Is Where The Heart Is

Her mum and dad brought her to Australia
When she was two years old in seventy two
And you'd never know she once came from Ireland
As she speak and act as all Queenslanders do.

The Lesson From The Horse Race

There's no such thing as gallant loser and there's no glory in defeat
And coming first is all that matter and victory is always sweet
For the winning horse and jockey there's a mighty hip hooray
And the jockey he is smiling victory has made his day.

Memories Of Connie Tarrant's Wedding

If there's a hell then I am doomed and for hell I am heading
For I drove my car when I was drunk from Connie Tarrant's wedding,
I drove my car when I was drunk and lived to tell the story
Though I don't find no pride in that and that won't bring me glory.

You Don'T Prove Yourself A Man

You don't prove yourself a man by going off to war
To fight a fight not your's in a city afar
Against people you've never met or that you will never know
Why should one wish to make of a stranger a foe?

In The Old Seaside Town

On the esplanade the cars buzz up and down
It is holiday time in the old seaside town
Young and old people out in the warm sunlight
On a Spring afternoon that is breezy and bright.

Giovanni From Rome

He's a bit homesick and he's far away from home
From here it is a long way north to Rome
But with an Aussie wife and a two year old daughter and another on the way
He is in Victoria for what's known as the long stay.

A Sense Of Place

Patriotism I can gladly live without
Though the old home place I often think about
Old Claraghatlea just out of Millstreet Town
With Clara mountain ever looking down

I Know I Am Selfish

I know I am selfish and no need to tell me
That what in others I dislike in my own self I do see
But the seed of selfishness it is in us all
In our own ways we can be so very small.

Power And Money

A bad habit they form as a young girl or boy
To have power over others some people enjoy
With personal power some are not satisfied
Their desire for top job they don't try for to hide

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