Francis Duggan Poems

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I Do Believe In Karma

I do believe in Karma I hold it to be true
And what we do receive from life can often be our due
What goes around does come around as some are known to say
And the time does come when for our sins to Karma we must pay.

You May Know A Lot About Your Favourite Game

You may know a lot about your favourite game
And from your commentaries and writings on it you know of wealth and fame
But there's more to life than talking of and writing of football
And about other things you seem to know little at all

Kitty Kiernan

A sniper's bullet deprived her of the great love of her life
Kitty Kiernan who was to become Michael Collins wife
She later on married raised a family
Her name does live on in Irish history

Before Passing Negative Judgements

Before passing negative judgement on another to you some advice
Before you speak once always do think twice
For nothing hurts more than the cruel verbal or written attack
And you leave yourself open to what is known as payback

Nice People Are People I Do Like To Know

Your attitude to others is of your choice
It never does cost anything to be nice
Some spread the glow of joy in their friendly way
With their happy smile as they bid you good day

Enjoy Your Life

Enjoy your life try to make the most of every day
For time on us never stops ticking away
It will not wait for you it did not wait for me
I wish I were your age again twenty three

The Lesson From The Horse Race

There's no such thing as gallant loser and there's no glory in defeat
And coming first is all that matter and victory is always sweet
For the winning horse and jockey there's a mighty hip hooray
And the jockey he is smiling victory has made his day.

Memories Of Connie Tarrant's Wedding

If there's a hell then I am doomed and for hell I am heading
For I drove my car when I was drunk from Connie Tarrant's wedding,
I drove my car when I was drunk and lived to tell the story
Though I don't find no pride in that and that won't bring me glory.

The Death Of A Hero

From Meelin he came to Millstreet Town to die
For Ireland with a bullet in hie eye
And though more than eighty years since then have come and gone
The name of brave McCarthy still lives on.

The Spirit Of Frank Berry

His bones may rest in England thousands of miles away
But the spirit of Frank Berry remains with us today
He passed on in December when England's fields were gray
And the many he befriended of him had good to say.

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