Francis Duggan Poems

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Leave Nature's Resources With Nature

I'm one of the many who does love Nature though Nature does need every friend
Of late she is not looking healthy otherwise why should we pretend
That all is well in Nature's Garden when all is not well there at all
Our crimes against Nature are many and any crime against Nature not small.

The Mother Believes Her Son

He is serving three years for armed robbery but the mother says my son is not a crim
He is not the one who robbed the uptown drug store for someone else the cashier mistook him
My son has told me that he is not guilty and what he tells me I always believe
He is a kind, honest and loving person and does not use guns and is not known to deceive

Designed By Nature

The bigger predators on smaller creatures do prey
Their way of survival that is Nature's way
Designed by Nature for to live on meat
And doomed to die of hunger if they cannot kill to eat

There Is Hope For The Future

The bombs have caused death and destruction and the families mourn their dead
But there is hope for the future for better days ahead
When those for peace and World harmony will finally prevail
For those who talk of waging war are surely doomed to fail.

Respect Is What You Earn Not Command

Respect is what you earn not command
That is something some find hard to understand
You earn respect if respect you do show
From people in your life you've come to know

Nature's Beauty Being Destroyed

They know little of life and even less of Nature though they have what matters most
And that is heaps of money something worthy of a boast
For money speaks every language as some are known to say
That's how it is and will remain in the World of today.

The Funeral Bell

The funeral bell is ringing a reminder of our mortality
Farewelling a deceased soul one day 'twill ring for me
Ringing in the stillness of this cool Autumn day
Across the rural city in the morning damp and gray.

Marginalization Of Minorities

Most of us are addictive or so it does seem
And so many suffer of low self esteem
Big Brother's disciples judge us every day
And many of us worry of what others of us say.

To Be A Good Person

One only can hope to live good as one can
To be a good woman or be a good man
To learn how to receive you must know how to give
And live by the moral of live and let live

What Is Success

What is success it has never been mine
In their different ways people it do define
Some see success as money to your name
As a lack of such a barrier to fame

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