Francis Duggan Poems

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The Amazing Wonders Of Nature

The more that I learn about Nature the less of her I know that I know
And the more that I learn of Nature the more my wonder of her does grow
One can only live in awe of her wonders she does seem amazing to me
Scarce a day goes by that in Nature a new wonder one does not see

Nice People

Nice people not known for to put others down
Or be racist to anyone black, white or brown
And others of their achievements they never try to impress
We need more of their type and of the not nice less.

On The Passing Of Dan Leary

Dan Leary was a legend of old Millstreet but he'll never more be seen in Millstreet Town
Or in the Townpark on a Summer's evening With a pair of greyhounds walking up and down
He was a sterling corner back in his prime a stalwart of Millstreet Gaelic Football
Fearless and hard but fair he never shirked a challenge as those who played against him do recall.

Heaven On Earth

Heaven on Earth is for the privileged few
That's something quite well known not anything new
And millions are living in their Earthly Hell
With only sad stories of their lives to tell

The Ordinary People

I am quite ordinary myself that much of me I do know
But in numbers around me my type seem to grow
For ordinary people I meet every day
And in that I mean ordinary in an ordinary way

Post Grand Final Day

For the winners many weeks of hip hip hooray
And the feeling of joy with their fans months does stay
But for one to win one must lose as some do say
And for the losers only sadness post Grand Final Day.

For To Be Part Of The Social Gathering

For to be part of the social gathering you try to do your best
But on the subject of the group gathering you can only feign interest
They are not your sort of people but not to be rude you pretend
That you do really like them as people and you want to be their friend

The Race That Stops A Nation

The race that stops a Nation it was run today
And the Aussie horse racing fans are shouting hooray
For master trainer Bart Cummings a great twelfth Melbourne Cup win
And the greatest ever pay day for the Jockey Blake Shinn

It Would Be So Nice To Be A Billionaire

It would be so nice to be a billionaire
With so many in need of help your money you could share
And so many in need of help in the big World out there
The homeless and hungry to be found everywhere

The Twittering Song That The Goldfinch Does Sing

The twittering song that the Goldfinch does sing
Awakens the memories of a far away Spring
When the hawthorns were in their white blooms of the May
And the wild born birds sung at the dawn of the day

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