Gagan Khurana

Gagan Khurana Poems

You hurled, we will be friend
till death do us apart!

You left me way before my

My own imagination………………………

What I dont want to lose at any cost…..

These days relations turn into an arid one, no embrace, no laughs, nothing…
Ofcourse they could get clingy, only if u r the only alternative left for them
and after sometime u will feel urself in a stalemate state,
where u already aware of the truth, but still u try to repudiate.

I am not a standard deviation but a drifter chose to take a stroll on a desolate lane.
No matter how hard I try in my pursuit, but fails each time.
So when I will stuck with death, I will gasp for my last,
but my last word will remain untold and I will slowly relinquish under the folds of time,

ਸਨ 84 ਵਿਚ ਸਮੇਂ ਦੇ ਬਦਲੀ ਸੀ ਜੋ ਚਾਲ...
ਕਰਕੇ ਯਾਦ ਉਹ ਰੂਹ ਕੰਬਬ ਉਠਦੀ, ਜੇਹੇਨ ਚ ਮਚਏ ਭੂਚਾਲ...

2 ਸਰਦਾਰਾਂ ਜੇ ਕਰ ਦਿਤੀ ਇੰਦਰਾ ਗਾਂਧੀ ਮਾਰ...

Mired legs, perspiring in solstice,
dark face with scars and bruises,
looking very filthy and vile...

As I was born, a poet born with me
witnessing everything, my sinless childhood

my mother love, oh! she is so good,

They say its better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all..

Being a true believer of this proverb, I let you inside my soul..

मुद्दतों बाद देखा उसे आज वहीं पुरानी गलियों में

फरक सिर्फ इतना था उसका Figure खराब था मेरा Liver..

2 days back I got a call; 'You wanna earn thousands daily'

I said 'Lol' 😀😄

Escaping from world shit and mother fuckers around,5 friends went to Kasol..

Just to fix their fractured souls..

In the darkest corner of my shattered heart..

Lies the remnants to my love torn apart..

जहर दा प्याला 🕳️ जदो मेरे मुंहो लगदा लगदा ढह गया

'गगन' वी लोको ऊदो 'सुकरात'✴️ बन्दा बन्दा रह गया ।

ਫ਼ੋਟੋ ਡਿਲੀਟ ਕਰਤੀ ਹੈ

ਯਾਦਾਂ ਰਬ ਡਿਲੀਟ ਕਰੂਗਾ...

The Best Poem Of Gagan Khurana

Dear Best Friend 'you Were Not There When I Needed You The Most'

You hurled, we will be friend
till death do us apart!

You left me way before my
celestial depart.

Just fed up with alcohol, strolling alone on a desolate lane!

arid and truncated inside from deep pain, I was whispering
Your name.

Encumbered with the whiff of your
yearning and broken promises, unfortunately I lost!

My best friend,

You were not there when I needed
You the most.

When depression, loneliness and anxiety invaded my canvass!

I surrendered myself on alcohol from the torrents of abyss.

Depression and anxiety both could have been cured!

Alas, your absence was very
difficult to endure.

Loyality and feelings are gone so scare, now this world is only own by liars adobe!

My bestie,

You were not there when, I needed you the most.

You left me broken like petals from some magic rose!

Somewhere deep inside my soul, your last good bye still echoes.

I know 'My chips were down' and I was dying for your one reply!

buried too deep in gloomy thoughts,
finally my subconscious summoned me 'Gagan forget her as you are destined to fly'.

So girl now do me a favour 'Dont ever come back, as you are not welcome anymore!

My small world had a way smooth run, even when we haven't met before.

Not even a single day goes by without you on my mind!


Still you are not here
with me and I know
our fates are no longer intertwined.

Our fates are no longer intertwined

Our fates are no longer intertwined

Writer- Gagan Khurana

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