Grace G.A Green

Grace G.A Green Poems


In side of her the magic fire glows,
Her edges shine like million scattered diamonds.
She speaks to me,
When others wouldn't dare to approach.


I have a lots of things to do today:
It's necessarily to kill my memory today,
Turn soul into stone,
And learn to live my life again.

How many fall in that abyss.
That day will come,
And I will fade away from face of earth.

Don't think, don't moan, don't argue, don't sleep.
No longer eager for the sun, the moon, the sea, the ship.
No longer feel how hot is between walls,
How field is green and floral garden.

The Best Poem Of Grace G.A Green


In side of her the magic fire glows,
Her edges shine like million scattered diamonds.
She speaks to me,
When others wouldn't dare to approach.

When last my friend turned eyes away..,
Just only she was in my grave
And sang to me like spring first thunder
Or if all flowers talk to me.

Translated by G A Green, Rugby, England, GB.
25 November 2017.

В ней что-то чудотворное горит,
И на глазах ее края гранятся.
Она одна со мною говорит,
Когда другие подойти боятся.
Когда последний друг отвел глаза,
Она была со мной одна в могиле
И пела словно первая гроза
Иль будто все цветы заговорили.

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