George Krokos Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Love In Doubt

You say you love me but I don't know
for your love is like the winter's snow.
Though I see you now just as you are
your presence is like the morning star.

About The Online World

I wish that I could write a little more
and by doing so not be an eyesore.
Many write just for the sake of writing
and what they write about isn't exciting.

Haiku #14 - Garden Flowers

Garden flowers are
colorful needless to say
with care some are grown

The Martial Artist

A trained martial artist knows how to move
because that is the way he's able to groove.
He often turns quickly and looks all around
then at times jumps or leaps off the ground.

Simple Observation #409 - A Self Inflicted Wound.....

A self inflicted wound can be the hardest for anyone to heal
as the problem lies in the mind of those who against themselves deal.
© 2021 George Krokos

Quatrain #600 - Without The Practice Of.....

Without the practice of meditation
there is hardly any inspiration
to write about all of those things
that a truly inspired mind brings.

The Bottomless Pit

The place was like a very deep dark hole
where there was no light
and it seemed that in every direction
I tried to go only ended up


Over the past year or so I've become a little bit more extroverted
as I'm not meditating as much these days like I used to be
and this may not be such a bad thing if my mind isn't perverted
or led astray on the wrong path most of the world is we see.

Haiku #15 - Birds And Bees

The birds and the bees
are all at one with nature
living as they do

Ignorance Personified

It's all our ignorance personified
we've called the devil and testified;
from the earliest days of existence
its been around with a persistence.

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