gershon hepner Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Cleaning Up

No man should have to clean-up
after others' dogs, but if
you haven't got a prenup,
attorney fees will make you sniff.

Moses' Cushite Wife

Some claim that Moses’ Cushite wife
was queen of distant Cush whom he
had married, crisis in midlife,
the sort that we so often see


If your girl friend’s getting old,
and not frigid though you’re cold,
and she says you’ve got to mate her,
get her an eroscillator.

Personal Pepper Mill

If you’re on call all moments of the year
to visit places where you’ve never been
make sure before you choose to disappear
that you are wearing underwear that's clean

Thus Spake Satan

Thus spake Satan of the survivor:
How can I overcome him?
He has strength and ability,
and weapons and firmness of purpose?


If you, deluded, think your wit a sign
of great intelligence, consider parrots
whose brains, the size of walnuts, psittacine,
are good as gold that's more than eighteen carats.

Socrates' Daemon

It’s comic how Nike, Adidas both need us,
and with their advertisements publicly greet us;
if one shoe should dropp will the other one fit us?
We’ll find out when players all dance like St. Vitus––

Craft, Faith And Narrative

Craft, faith and narrative all fuse,
creating medieval art;
if you add the inspiration of the muse
you get the Bible. À la carte,

If Love's Not Lost

If love’s not love until it’s lost,
when it can be transformed to art,
enjoying it entails a cost
which should cause artists to lose heart,

I Don'T Agree

Knowing much must give way sooner
or later to the knowing of
much less, then nothing, like the lunar
cycle, full moon first, then half,

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