gershon hepner Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Moral Convictions And Intellectual Superiority

Moral convictions, George W’s strong card,
intellectual superiority Obama’s,
can’t win against opponents who fight hard,
not jokers in a pack, but military hammers.

Romantic Symphony

Bruckner’s symphony, called the Romantic,
drives those who like brief works quite frantic,
but those who like long ones
are surely the wrong ones

Ancient Doweer, Modern Heritage

What Wordsworth terms “our ancient Dower, ”
describing heritage of Britain,
has faded like the fresher flower
of the USA. Unwritten

Skinny Dipping

Dipping when you’re being skinny
is an act that’s far less sinny
than lovers breaking solemn oaths
when they’re wearing all their clothes,


Strike and shine and deepen, spread,
where others stand in silence speak,
what they cannot discover seek,
write what no one yet has read.


A man who once lived in the Hebrides
made overtures to all celebrities.
One told him: “Go gentle, son.
Since you aren’t Mendelssohn,

Ants And Grasshoppers

“Should we all be hyperopic? ”
now appears to be the topic
everybody is debating.
Saving money is frustrating

Dare To Be Square

“Swing that lady round and round, ”
in the square-dance is the sound
that you will hear, and helps you go
around while you both do-si-do,

Plum Tree

He held her tight beneath the tree
on which in summer there are plums,
and in the spring the blossom comes
to prove the world of winter free.

Tempus Fugit

In 1790 Mozart nearly got a great commission
to write an opera on Shakespeare’s “Tempest”.
Instead of this, when death became a major premonition,
he wrote his Requiem, and fugit tempused.

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