gershon hepner Poems

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Old Man's Child

Regard me, one side and the other,
each side is not the other’s brother,
for usually each side’s in hiding
behind my artifice, the siding

Being Pedestrian

Hard on her saddle now riding her cycle
my lady engages the road less than me,
and seems to be frozen in thought, an icicle
for those who don’t know that her feelings are free.

Like Moths To The Flame

Like moths to the flame
the tabloids all flock,
and put men to shame
with a shudder of schlock.

Empty Spaces

Leaving empty spaces is more brave
than making sure that everything is filled,
and only when we’re silent can we save
the truth, that’s like a lily we don’t gild.

Visit Of The Queen Of Sheba

As gifts to Solomon the Sheban Queen
brought lavish presents, Cushite gold
and precious stones and incense, clearly keen
to prove that she would not withhold

Where Yesterdays Began

Where yesterdays began
tomorrows will resume,
after the todays that ran
without much elbow room

In A Second

In a second cheetahs dash
a distance of so many yards
the animal can be as rash
as bad and bold blaspheming bards.

Beauty And Doubt

Beauty should be cause of doubt,
remaining as a paradox
within a fog that, with lights-out,
become its combination locks


Since we lack connectivity
of habitat how can we satisfy
our mutual proclivity
to give each others a great high?

Rhyming Bondage

I, of rhyming fond, itch
to rhyme. It is a bondage
blank poets cannot match,
since they aren’t up to scratch.

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