gershon hepner Poems

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Versailles' Gardens

Taming and humiliating
nature, Versailles’ gardens represent
a challenge for a maid-in-waiting
who paid them the enormous compliment


There was a secret chord that David played;
Bathsheba heard it, bathing in the pool.
The music drove the words that David prayed
away like colored autumn leaves in Yule.

I, Editor Author

ITransposing and retitling and rewriting
are all prerogatives of editors
who spend a lot of energy indicting
their writers, for they are competitors


I was in whirlwind and thinking of girls
and batons that high in the air each one whirls,
but now I think only of you, for you’re movin’
my body in ways of which we’re both approvin’.

Smart Power

The word and rod are both a part
of power, soft but also hard,
together they are very smart,
each one the other’s guard.

Sumo Rings

Sumo rings are no-go places
for women who love men who’re fat,
regarding thin men as disgraces.
If I, too, were a big fat cat,

Do Not Go Gentile

Do not go gentile into that good night.
One Dylan almost said this, hardly gentle,
when raging against darkness with a fight
that often now involves experimental


They used to think that it was drought
that drove the Anasazi out
of southwest cities on the mesas,
to die there, like forgotten races.

Turning On A Paradigm

Turning on a paradigm,
I have tried extremely hard
to be godly in my rhyme,
hoping to be avatarred,

Fun And Frolic

Fun and frolic, fashion, flash,
lechery and chamber pots,
lots of women seeking cash
from the men who have the hots,

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