gershon hepner Poems

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You have to read again, again,
the words, and once again, to savor
the nuances with acumen,
and relish their unflorid flavor.

Desire To Dance

Only those who know the steps can dance,
and only if you’ve learned them in your youth
can they bring back the memories of romance
that first confirmed for you the so-called truth

Truth Told In A Slant

We can tell more by implying
than by being quite explicit.
Though it always is illicit
to elude the truth lying,

Sick In Fortune

Sick in fortune from the surfeit
of own behavior, we
are crashing now, as we deserve,
most excellent in foppery,


As sybaritic as a Turkish bath or shvitz,
the cosmopolitans pronounces their consonants and vowels,
but when they leave the ballroom of the Ritz
they sound like borborygmi of the bowels.

Not Shovel Ready

The trouble with me is that I’m not shovel
ready, and don’t want to move
from my cottage mansion to a hovel
where I will be forced to prove

Wet And Wildness

What would the world be once bereft
of wet and wildness, ? Hopkins asked.
The answer is: it would be left
without the beauty that God tasked


Infidelity is far more popular
that baseball, barbecues or ball-room dancing,
for changing partners when you're being copular
apparently can be far more entrancing

Sad And Empty

Sad and empty, having finished
something long, I now report
I don’t think I’ll feel diminished
if I now write something short.

Privacy Can Suffocate

Privacy can suffocate
but company can make me wince,
so when I want to celebrate
I try politely to dropp hints

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