gershon hepner Poems

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Endless Drinking

Endless halving, argued Zeno,
won’t help us to reach the end.
Similarly, we can’t wend
our way to veritas with vino,

Barack Being Ambushed

I could see Barack Obama
to a wall (street) being pushed.
If slammed this way by a slammer,
he could claim he’s been amBushed,

Traveling Without God

With London Transport I won’t cavil,
although their message seems most odd,
declaring to the folk who travel
on buses that there is no God.

Romeo And Juliet Go Shopping

Getting out of cul de sacs
where I’m often forced to stop
sometimes makes me think of Sax
Fifth Avenue, and want to shop,


LA isn’t Shangri-La,
but then neither is Tibet,
places where you may forget
who you were, and who you are.

Nixon Vs. Frost

Richard Nixon vs. David Frost:
who d’you think deserved to be the winner,
the man interrogated, looking lost,
because the world condemned him as a sinner,

Bathsheba At The Toilet

While a servant combs her hair
a gentleman, I would presume,
performs a pedicure, and bare,
she fondles her right breast. The doom

Back Jack

If you like to get things done,
Jack’s the guy you ought to back
since he does this with such fun,
always ready to attack


Some things cease to have a life
once you write a poem,
or you tell them to you wife,
and you let her know ’em.


Hedging our bets with ours ifs, ans and buts
provides us, we think, with protection,
but when Harry Kinnard to Germans said “Nuts! ”
he showed them he had an objection

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