Gert Strydom Poems

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In My Short Life I Have Seen

(in answer to R. K. Belcher)

In my short life I have seen that professors of religion
and clergymen do not hold the Bible holy,

I Wish You Could See The Cosmos (Refrain Stanza)

I wish you could see the cosmos in the veldt in the green
where they do flower in a pink, purple and white sheen
wildly do cover the grassy sidewalks in their abundance
do in the strong breeze everywhere in the sun dance

It Had Been At The Time (Refrain Stanza)

It had been at the time of the equinox
as you watched a butterfly on the snowy-white phlox
while bunches of roses I did pick like in my younger days
you were jubilant and lovely in the sun's rays


Where do people believe that this world does decay,
that all kinds of disasters do abound on this planet
they do loose sight of God in the universe,
while you and I in this time realise the depth of our love,

The World Stops For Us (Persian Quatrain)


Now that you have oozed into my heart and soul
everything in my existence does focus on you,
while there are small signs that I do look at
and we act and speak intimate and cordial

We Were Walking Very Close Together

At Twilight (Refrain Stanza)

At first light the doves cooed me awake
and up to heaven the morning star my glance did take,
still the moon hanged silver and glittering
and for long moments I was lost in longing,

If In The Early Autumn (Refrain Stanza)

(after Emily Dickinson, after Lina Spies)

If in the early autumn you do come to me
then days of summer it will again be.

In My Thoughts God Stands

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