Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
You Come While The Summer-Rain Falls

You come while the summer-rain falls,
do carry parcels and magazines in your hands,
near to you a lightning bolt comes down,
in alarm everything falls to the ground.

You Are The One (2)

You Are The One (3)

At The Plum-Tree

Packed with sour-sweet fruit,
heavy hangs the branches of the plum tree,
the smell is both sweet and bitter,
and bees and beetles buzz around


In the kitchen's window
your potted violets are flowering again,
they are feathering with miniature florets
on the luxurious green leaves,

You Walked Smiling Right Into My Sight (English Sonnet)

In the setting sun in the mellow twilight,
when the day its brilliance the sky denies,
you walked smiling right into my sight
with eyes in which your heart openly lies,

It Was A Hot Sunny Day (English Sonnet)

It was a hot and clear open sunny summer day,
as if sent from up high from beyond earthly skies
on your face a ray like a token from heaven lay,
as if we were both like Adam and Eve in paradise,

A Butterfly Flutters (Free Verse Sonnet)

A butterfly flutters past your face,
for a moment lands on a ruby-red rose
and I wonder about the love between you and me:
is it also so fragile and brittle?

When I Notice How Your Own Flowers Grow (English Sonnet)

(after William Shakespeare)

When I notice how your own flowers grow
do wither and wilt after just a mere moment

Impulse (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Vincent van der Westhuizen)

For you this morning I wanted to do something radical,
I wanted to take you far away from your work and our home,

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