Gert Strydom Poems

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The Small Hours (English Sonnet)

Only mosquitoes turn around my head
where in the dark on my bed I lay
as if all my words are done and dead
until the morning twilight is grey

Flash lightning comes the reproduction out of the machine,
even better than the memory of my own thoughts
where I see a photograph and a letter from you
and it brings mere moments back to me.


Where like two love-struck doves we mingled,
for our love we have got a secure beautiful nest
and away are the days where we were singled,
where in life being together might be the best,

Your Name (Free Verse Sonnet)

You name to me is something that is holy,
that I do carry safely in my heart
and I do find you when I do use it,
it's something that I do call out in our secrecy.

The World Does Change When You Are Gone (English Sonnet)

The world does change when you are gone,
in my heart there is mitigated pain
and slowly, very surely life goes on,
the summers come with their rain,

You Are A Special Person (Free Verse Sonnet)

I want to read the depth of your soul and laughter in your eyes,
come in prayer to the church of your body
as I do love you deep and cordially and you do move me
and in my thoughts and in my heart we are always together.


Although in our love for each other we are one
yet separate as persons the two of us do remain,
where we face the trials both together and alone
we live through times of joy and sadness and pain,

On The Footsteps Through Life (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to Petra Müller)

We exchanged years, innocence and labour
and in love we did spend our times together,

Where The Waves Roll In And Out (Refrain Stanza)

Where the waves roll in and out forever more,
while we both stand close to each other on the shore,
I see you footsteps next to the sea on the sand
while in mine I do feel your hot soft hand

You are the girl who is fair,
or sometimes you hair is dark or tinted.
You are the one in whom I do find bliss,
the one that fiercely beats in my blood.

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