Gert Strydom Poems

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When It Starts To Rain Miserable At The Sea

then the holidaymakers want to go home
and then everyone turns
on the sea and beach their back

and suddenly everybody is unhappy

In Many Of My Dreams You Were

and I did wait
while the days almost endless
was passing me
and the spring, the summer, the autumn and winter

Throughout My Life I Have Waited On You

Throughout my life I have waited on you,
Have waited that you would come
With the kind of hope that a person finds in faith
And in my more mature years


(After Dorothy Parker)

Time after time dies
The new buds of the rose,
And the seasons fill the skies
As life passes on and day after day goes.


To mere humans He gave power
that when in love they come together,
they do create just as Him
and together forge new life

Birth [2]

To mere humans He gave power
that when in love they come together,
they do create just as Him
and together forge new life

Far Too Transitory Daily Life Is (Cavatina)

Far too transitory daily life is,
in nothingness
we try to find some kind of real meaning;
with willingness

When I Can Call You My Very Own (English Sonnet)

When I can call you my very own
may this feeling and principle last eternally
and to the world our love be known
with only happiness for you and me.

How Do I Describe You?

How can I describe you,
your golden eyes that are constantly shining
that is at times hiding your thoughts
and the symmetry of your body,

Earthly Existence

Stretched out is the veldt, free and wild
while time ticks of as if from infinity,
while like a god man looks at science
and reaches to self-destruction in mere audaciousness.

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