Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
How I Do Look Upon The Town (Refrain Stanza)

Streets full of office blocks have a greyish hue
where they rise against the cobalt blue,
in the distance it seems as if the factories do burn down
where with smoking stacks they fill the town


(for Annelize)

Where I stand at the breaking of the new morning
the end of night rolls into the dawning,

You Ask That I Must Again Turn Back (Free Verse Sonnet)

(after Elisabeth Eybers)

You ask that I must again turn back with a gesture,
must go away from that which is safe and secure,

The Ballade Of Attila The Hun

(after C. M. van der Heever)

Over the mountains they come through the wilderness
where murderous they do ride into war


(after C. M. van den Heever)

Where man perish like ancient gods without adaptability
where he stands at the portals of eternity,

A Story Of True Sincere Love (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

A story of true sincere love I have to tell
how a lovely maiden had been my own,

Caracal In The Zoo (Refrain Stanza)

He lies with eyes of hate that wants to burn the days open in a cage,
glares at everyone that walks past on the other side with rage
and the pointed tufted ears are pricked up where he is ready to bite
where he does growl and hiss and claw as if everything does him incite

The Suricate (Free Verse Sonnet)

Straight-backed upright the suricate sits on the anthill and watches the world
with small sharp eyes it's cut fine where it looks at the sky and ground,
as life can in one single moment totally stop,
an eagle can dive down or a predator could hunt where the others do dig

I Cannot Give You (English Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

I cannot give you streched out open lands
I do not posses any great well-stocked farms

(in answer to C. M. van der Heever)

The roses fold open their deep-red cups
where with a soft fragrance they do entice

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