Gert Strydom Poems

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I Can Think Of No Other Better Summer (Free Verse Sonnet)

Weavers do twitter, warblers chirp and doves coo
and the summer overflows with joy
but for the cat that do try to murder the birds
where from the branches of the fig tree the birds peep

No Other Better Summer (Free Verse Sonnet)

Weavers do twitter, warblers chirp and doves coo
and the summer overflows with joy
but for the cat that do try to murder the birds
where from the branches of the fig tree the birds peep

No Other Better Summer (1)(Free Verse Sonnet)

Weavers do twitter, warblers chirp and doves coo
and the summer overflows with joy
but for the cat that do try to murder the birds
where from the branches of the fig tree the birds peep

The Sheets Retains Something Of Your Smell

(for Annelize)

The sheets retains something of your smell
and the darkness is now overpowering

Samson (Free Verse Sonnet)

Blind the Philistines did lead Samson up and down
and while they made a mockery of him
the Lord God had looked down with pity
and Samson did touch the pillars

The First Monarch Nimrod (Free Verse Sonnet)

(in answer to C. M. van den Heever)

As a mighty hunter of man
he and his seductive pretty wife

Room (2)

(for Annelize)

When I did awake this morning
the first twilight did fall through the window,

Over The Things Of God (Free Verse Sonnet)

I saw the stars, star-clusters, nebulas and pulsars in the night
planets, moons, comets and the asteroids in their glittering-play
and wanted to tell about the great unnamed secrets of God,
the water-masses of oceans and rivers did tell about omnipotence,

With The First Light (Crystalline Poem)

In Those Late Cape Summer Afternoons (Italian Sonnet)

(for Annelize)

In those late Cape summer afternoons when at seven
the sun did still hang high and the day was bright,

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