Gert Strydom Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Doves Fly Past In Pairs

Doves fly from sunrise
until late afternoon past in pairs
and the whole day their singing resounds

The Beast [2]

You smashed the small granite table down
like a mighty war hammer
cleaving the coffee table in two
which I had made for you,

On Guard Duty

On guard duty I hear boots crunch,
walking up and down
almost in a march.
On guard duty I hear boots crunch,

Long, Long Ago There Were Two People [2]

Long, long ago there were two people (just you and me)
and to my remorse my life was empty without you
and I couldn’t get you out of my heart.

Late August

There’s a chilly wind blowing this morning,
the black-collard barbet
flies into my study’s window
as if it can go right through it,

Barn Owl

Like a ghost somewhere from a tree,
sometimes from the roof
it calls out and people shiver
believing that death

Crowds Of Xhosas Gathered At The Pool

At the Gxara River in the Transkei
a pool between some trees and flowering plants
is linked with one of the most emotional
and painful stories in history.

Two Weddings And No Funeral

The first time I wed
it was in Parrow church
since it was bigger
than the one in Belville.


Between yellow cranes groaning and bended
I saw people small as ants,
I saw people gather at skeletons of steel and concrete,


So tell me Anthony you start
your wailing against the gods / God
with the sketch of a man gone mad

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