Gert Strydom Poems

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Morning Walk (Parody)

Full of revenge the animal started walking,
while the wind jerked off curtains down the street

Ages Flicker In The Hot Fire

Ages flicker in the hot fire
where I sit in the bar
time passes slowly hour-by-hour,

About Love I Had Been Very Naive

About love I had been very naive, believed like Visser,
tried to keep my life for you
as if it comes from the Creator’s hand from above,

On A Close-Up Of Louis Esterhuizen, On His Poem “winnie”

So tell me Louis, you allege:
“I went to look at the remarks

The Ecstasy

(after John Donne)

From the start although it had been
great ecstasy and our loving

What Greatness Did We Experience?

(after John Donne)

What greatness did we experience,
what joys did we know

A Token

Send me some token to remain
as a sign of the feelings which between us grow
and in years and times of pain
I will of this as a confirmation know.

There Is Something Almost Holy Clinging To Your Humanity

I adore you without any fear,
try to day after day only to live for you,
as you are a part of my thoughts and my flesh,

In All Of This I Do Really For You Care (Refrain Stanza)

A deadly virus does all of humanity scare
and in all of this I do really for you care
where life is now in an awful kind of state
and to stop the virus seems far too late

My God, do not from the world draw Your protection away.
where from a virus there is now illness, death and pain.
As a child and young man you heard me when I did pray

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