Glenn Shriner

Glenn Shriner Poems

Hello God, Can I have a minute?
I have a question please help me understand it.
I was told that you never give more than one can handle, and when it's to much you help us threw the struggle.
I read the poem footprints in the sand, how in a person's darkest moments it was you who carried them across the land.


When you were born time had stopped, for a brief second the hands froze on the clock.
I held you in my arms tight and close, counting each little finger and every little toe.
You were the perfect little angel, and I loved you so and now your 5, I watch you grow.
Your first day of school was hard to let go, now your 14 where did time go?

God save me. By Glenn Shriner
I often look up to the sky and it puts me at ease, it's like when I'm sleeping I am at peace.
Every day is a struggle for someone like me, I try to fight it for the sake of my family.
At times it scares me I have no control, depression has me I cock the pistol.

To Glenn, my precious son, with love sincere,
Whose path is strewn with struggles, oh so clear,
I pen these words to uplift your weary soul,
And bring you solace, making you whole.

The Best Poem Of Glenn Shriner


Hello God, Can I have a minute?
I have a question please help me understand it.
I was told that you never give more than one can handle, and when it's to much you help us threw the struggle.
I read the poem footprints in the sand, how in a person's darkest moments it was you who carried them across the land.
So God please answer this, during my sister's darkest moment why didn't you lend a hand?
The footsteps left behind were too small to be a man.
No God, I don't place the blame on you, I just want to know if this was part of your plan.
Yes God I do understand she had all she could stand, and how she was not going to be beat again by this evil man.
But God, She called, I was on my way, and I remember our conversation I asked you not to take her that day.
Was there nothing you could do or say to make her put that gun away?
When we arrived and ran to the top of the stairs it was too late, seems you God had decided her fate.
Yes God I know it sounds like I'm placing blame, but God my life has never been the same.

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Glenn Shriner Quotes

'Life is short, time is fast, don't always be first try being last and look at what you see, what might have passed, and make every second last, before you know it time had passed.' Glenn Shriner

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