Glenn Shriner Poems

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Hello God, Can I have a minute?
I have a question please help me understand it.
I was told that you never give more than one can handle, and when it's to much you help us threw the struggle.
I read the poem footprints in the sand, how in a person's darkest moments it was you who carried them across the land.


When you were born time had stopped, for a brief second the hands froze on the clock.
I held you in my arms tight and close, counting each little finger and every little toe.
You were the perfect little angel, and I loved you so and now your 5, I watch you grow.
Your first day of school was hard to let go, now your 14 where did time go?

God Save Me.

God save me. By Glenn Shriner
I often look up to the sky and it puts me at ease, it's like when I'm sleeping I am at peace.
Every day is a struggle for someone like me, I try to fight it for the sake of my family.
At times it scares me I have no control, depression has me I cock the pistol.

My Son

To Glenn, my precious son, with love sincere,
Whose path is strewn with struggles, oh so clear,
I pen these words to uplift your weary soul,
And bring you solace, making you whole.

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