Glory Sasikala

Glory Sasikala Poems

Consuming my soul is a flame
Burning, burning
Till I am nothing but a burning flame.
While the hand that lit me has long since gone,

Greedy Pigeon!
Don't fight with your wife!
Give her some rice

He stood there leaning over,
With arm against darkened tree,
While she ran across, light and swift,
Anxious - and yet glad to be free.

Somewhere in the innumerous rituals that surrounded your death
and the selfish demands of the living
and in the midst of the abuse
and in the lack of light in your eyes and your perfunctory nods that reiterated your indifference again and again...

one who was so good at
swallowing feelings
facing life with stoic acceptance
how easily I laugh nowadays!

Moon had seen it all, it was time to make amends
spread her gentle moonlight before darkness descends

Milestones can be homeward
Kissing can be a bite
Laughing can be silence
And wrong can be right


don't we all know
how to live in a shell -
secretly alive...

Let me put you on the slope of a hill..

Green Grass Meadow
Buttercups and Daisies

I can hear the pitter-patter over the tiles
of the small room that houses
the watchman's meager belongings
the plop as a drop fell off my window pane

I lean against the wall outside -
an insignificant presence in the shadows
they'd like to ignore
as they strut importantly

How often will you travel the world?
Hills and plains and cities unfurl
Praying plans don't go awry
Your mind on high

Teeming life 'neath my feet
and I
Wait with bated breath
All is still on this hillside


Rocked by a love so strong and yet so tender,
He gazed and gazed in the most lovesick fashion.

Their cities appeared on the map

She looked at his forehead and said
'The people in your city are intelligent.'

the Original Pied Pipers
made children appear -
and when they did,

My feet move on their own
to the beat of the music

The drums beat a slow beat...

let's complete the waltz that we started last Christmas
hand on your shoulder, arm around my waist
waiting for the music to start playing
smiling into your eyes and you

We closed account long back, didn't we

when we moved our different ways

The Best Poem Of Glory Sasikala


Consuming my soul is a flame
Burning, burning
Till I am nothing but a burning flame.
While the hand that lit me has long since gone,
I burn.
Frustrated with my burning,
Wanting to die out and not knowing how,
I burn.
Leaning towards the wind to be put off,
But just increasing in strength
I burn.
To what end I burn I do not know -
When it is to my benefit that I turn as cold as ice.
I pray to God to turn me into anything but this burning flame -
For with tears in my eyes and helplessly,
I burn.

Glory Sasikala Comments

Glory Sasikala Quotes

I'm pretty sure Cheepie (the duckling) crooned 'twinkle twinkle little star' in its sleep last night.

The joy of being a loner is never feeling alone or lonely, so engrossed in one's own beautiful world.

I've finally taught Cheepie, my pet duck, to say 'YAY! ! ' when electricity comes back. ☺☺Happy Friday and good Morning!

One day at a time, one thought at a time, one job at a time...while it rains incessantly.... Good morning...

Never ever call a child 'stupid'.

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