Great Aunt Meeka

Great Aunt Meeka Poems

The whole world is a prisoner to sin
we have to have a humble heart
and look within.
until we are spirit has been redeemed

I was reborn in Christ
for I died to sin
I repented and the Holy Ghost
now resides within.

Jesus drunk the Cup of God's Wrath for us
did you know?
That is because he loved us so.
for God knew that for us to be

Will you not turn to Jesus
for forgiveness because of your pride?
Or will you keep your pride and die?
For you only have one life to get it right

There are people out there that take God's Word
And twist the meaning to fit their sinful life.
They preach to others untruths to get them
On their side.

Melodie and Emeray are humble
And repented of their sins
To conquer the flesh
and be reborn again.

She can write, she can draw
She can even talk Melodie Mezoree' doll.
What else can she do?
If only I could sing a tune

Razel puppet has a daughter
Who is reborn
Melodie asked Razel to confess

There's no one like you
for you are only born once
there is no past lives
that is all made up.

The Best Poem Of Great Aunt Meeka

The Whole World Is A Prisoner To Sin

The whole world is a prisoner to sin
we have to have a humble heart
and look within.
until we are spirit has been redeemed
For our flesh is weak
and the tempter tempts us in our mind
we have to rely on the Holy Spirit
to show us where we have been blind.
Our Savior Jesus who does lift us up
to keep us from being vile and corrupt.
we walk with Jesus now and he is there all the time
he gives our Salvation and shows us nature of the divine.
We prayer to Holy Spirit the spirit prayer
Spirit hears us he is always there.
he gives our Salvation and
shows us nature of the divine
instead of human nature
that makes you commit the crime

Written by Great Aunt Meeka on March 31,2018

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